Must Hear! Grapevine’s New Podcast
Grapevine’s New Podcast
The AA Grapevine Half-Hour Variety Hour. Featuring AA members Don and Sam.
Starting on October 4, 2021 with a new episode each Monday. Each week Don and Sam will interview a different member about their experience, strength and hope, in a casual “meeting after the meeting” manner. Special features will enhance each episode.
A new podcast episode will be available in English every Monday.
To hear the podcasts go to
Empezará el 4 de octubre de 2021, con un episodio nuevo todos los lunes. Cada semana, Don y Sam entrevistarán a un miembro diferente acerca de su experiencia, fortaleza y esperanza en una casual “reunión luego de la reunión”. Cada episodio contará con participaciones especiales.
Todos los lunes habrá un nuevo episodio en Inglés de podcast disponible.
Para escuchar los podcasts ingrese al sitio web
À partir du 4 octobre 2021 avec un nouvel épisode diffusé chaque lundi. Chaque semaine, Don et Sam intervieweront un membre différent au sujet de leur expérience, de leur force et de leur espoir, d’une manière décontractée type « rencontre après la réunion ». Des caractéristiques spéciales amélioreront chaque épisode.
Un nouvel épisode de podcast sera disponible en anglais tous les lundis.
Pour écouter les podcasts, il suffit de se rendre sur la page
Just Published From Grapevine! Don’t Miss It!
Prayer & Meditation features powerful stories by members of Alcoholics Anonymous about the many ways they pray and meditate in their daily lives. The stories in this book show how members begin to pray and meditate and then branch out to develop very personal, and often creative, ways to practice.
Chapters include: daily routines, traditional religious practices, activities and exercise, personal techniques, the Serenity Prayer, and connecting with nature and the universe. All stories were previously published in Grapevine, the International Journal of AA.
Prayer & Meditation is great for people in recovery or those who want to explore prayer and meditation.
To order a copy from Grapevine Click Here