• GRAPEVINE WRITING WORKSHOP!. Area 61’s Grapevine Committee will be holding a Grapevine Writing Workshop on Sunday, October 27, 4-6pm in person at the Area 61 office. If you’re interested in contributing an article for publication in Grapevine or LaVina, join us to find out how.
  • Are you wondering what to do with your OLD ISSUES OF GRAPEVINE?  Give them to the Grapevine Committee!  Our Grapevine group reps and committee members continue to collect past issues to pass along to newcomers and to others who are AA curious – at meetings and at Area events.  Please contact your group’s Grapevine Representative, or emai grapevinechair@aainri.com if you would like to donate old issues.
  • HELP CARRY THE MESSAGE.  The Grapevine Committee is looking for new members and group Grapevine Representatives.  The Committee meets for one hour on the second Monday of every month via Zoom.  Please consider enhancing your sobriety by helping us perform this important twelfth-step work.  For more information, please see the Area 61 Grapevine webpage.

AA GRAPEVINE, INC. aumentará el precio de la revista La Viña por primera vez en más de 10 años. El nuevo precio de la suscripción impresa anual será de $18, a partir del 1 de enero de 2025. Grapevine ha mantenido estable el precio de la revista impresa La Viña durante épocas desafiantes, en las que los costos del papel, la impresión y el envío han aumentado considerablemente.

La Junta del Grapevine reconoce que ya no podemos sostener los costos directos de la revista al precio actual. Los suscriptores obtendrán descuentos al realizar pedidos por varios años o al adquirir la opción de suscripción “Completa”, que incluye la revista impresa y acceso total al sitio web y a la aplicación móvil. Los precios de las suscripciones digitales mantendrán las tarifas actuales. Los suscriptores activos mantendrán la tarifa actual hasta el final del período.

AA GRAPEVINE, INC. will increase the price of La Viña magazine for the first time in over 10 years. The new price for a yearly print subscription is $18.00, effective January 1, 2025. Grapevine has held the La Viña print magazine price steady through challenging times— with costs for paper, printing, and shipping all increasing substantially.

The Grapevine Board recognizes that we can no longer sustain the magazine’s direct costs at the current price. Subscribers will receive discounts when ordering over multiple years or by purchasing the “Complete” option, which includes the print magazine and full access to the website and the mobile app. Digital subscription prices will stay at the current rates. Active subscribers will stay at their current rate until their term ends.