Hybrid Meeting Zoom Meeting ID 863 0154 3932 Password Area61 In person: Richmond Community/Senior Center 1168 Main St., 2nd Floor(above the Police Station) Wyoming, RI 02898
Agenda International Conference: Discuss updated report on methods of closing the Big Meetings at the International Convention. Policy & Admissions: Review report of the GSB Ad-Hoc Committee on Participation of Online Groups in the U.S./Canada Service Structure. Public Information: PSAs - Report on the Relevance and Usefulness of Audio/Video Public Service Announcements Corrections: Consider updated Singleness of Purpose text to replace the existing paragraph in […]
Agenda Grapevine/La Vina: Explore the services provided by AA Grapevine and how they should be funded. Public Information: Consider revised proposal to develop an AAWS Instagram account Literature Review progress report on video adaption of the pamphlet ”Too Young?” Public Information: PSAs - Progress report on feasibility of placing PSAs on Streaming Media Grapevine/La Vina: Consider a request to develop a pamphlet on the Asian […]
Agenda CPC Consider a request to develop a pamphlet on the unhoused alcoholic in A.A. (EDW) Public Information Review report on the GSO Podcast PSAs - Review progress report on the Mesmerize Point PSA distribution channel Literature Review progress report on the development of the Fifth Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. Consider a request that the words "Donation" and "Contribution" be swapped under Warranty […]