Each year Rhode Island A.A.’s meet for a day to talk amongst themselves about the current issues of the day; to listen to our “Trusted Servants” on these matters and to enjoy themselves. In the midst of this, newcomers – beginning to learn the opportunities sobriety offers – are exploring, meeting and chatting. Sobriety’s excitement is almost tangible. Did the food get mentioned yet – wow – the Brownies are worth the trip.
This is the annual round-up. There is a committee working to ensure this event is a continuing success. This is the Round Up Committee.
Being part of the Round Up committee is a real choice. It is making a commitment to sobriety while making sure your AA peers enjoy themselves as they are enlightened.
How to become a member of the Round Up Committee:
Contacting the Chair or the Alternate Chair usually gets the ball rolling but appearing at the next committee meeting (above) provides an excellent opportunity to refine your interest.