The AA Grapevine Half-Hour Variety Hour

Each week long-time AA members Don and Sam will interview a different member about their experience, strength and hope, in a casual “meeting after the meeting” manner. Special features will enhance each episode.

A new episode is released every Monday.

Grapevine Podcast: Retread [Season 7, Episode 19]

Aaron shares with Olis and Sam about his struggles to find sobriety in AA. For a time he had a head full of AA and a belly full of beer. After a couple years he learned to stop lying to himself and to God. Olis interviews Vera, a member of the Trustees Literature Committee, about the new pamphlet Black in AA: Experience, Strength and Hope. In the Ask it Basket, Rebecca has a question about sponsorship, and in Wit’s End J.D. shares a joke.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-10-28T00:54:08-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: Blackout Time Travel [Season 7, Episode 18]

Whitney joins Olis and Don to talk about recovery from alcoholism. Whitney never had the skill of moderation and realized that a bleak future lay in store. The three also discuss accessibility to AA meetings. Patrick C. joins to give an update on the 2025 AA International Convention in Vancouver in July. You can find information about the convention and register at

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-10-24T19:43:14-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: Prayer and Ego and God [Season 7, Episode 17]

Yosi starts his conversation with Don and Sam by describing how he could smell himself rotting on the inside and that when he came to AA he just wanted to stop drinking—but what he got was so much more. There’s a Halloween unsolved mystery. We have a backlog of Listener Feedback, so at the end of our regular episode stay tuned to hear more from your fellow listeners.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-10-14T00:52:06-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: Cooperating with the Courts [Season 7, Episode 16]

General Service Board Class A Trustee Kerry Meyer joins Don and Sam for a discussion of how AA and courts can cooperate to help alcoholics and the community at large. In the October issue of Grapevine you’ll find Kerry’s article about the importance of CPC (Cooperation with the Professional Community) work. In this podcast Kerry describes the work she does with local AA members to help alcoholics through DWI court, and she shares about her work as a Class A Trustee.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-10-07T01:04:07-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: The AA “Gripevine” — Third Anniversary Special [Season 7, Episode 15]

Hosts Don, Olis and Sam, along with producer Chris, listen to some fun outtakes together and tell listeners about how the podcast is created each week. Chris shares some results of the podcast’s reach and how many are helped by this service. The team expresses gratitude for one another, and for our guests and listeners.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-10-04T09:55:47-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: What Lies Within Us [Season 7, Episode 14]

James talks to Don and Olis about connecting with a new home group after a move from New York to North Carolina. They discuss being able to share things in AA that you would not share at the PTA. James’ first service commitment was “chairman” of the group, where his role was to set up the chairs. This week’s special feature is “Stump the Thumper.” Let’s see if James knows his big book.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-09-30T00:24:36-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: We Figure it Out Together [Season 7, Episode 13]

Marie, a deaf member of AA, and Teddy, a Director on the AA Grapevine Board, talk to Don and Sam about the new American Sign Language playlist on the AA Grapevine and La Viña Channel on YouTube. They all discuss the challenges and advances of serving deaf alcoholics in AA, and the ongoing efforts to make AA accessible to all. There’s a bonus segment at the end discussing service work.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-09-23T00:59:00-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: AA Taught Me to be an Adult [Season 7, Episode 12]

Heather joins Sam and Olis and describes her introduction to AA, and how it took her 13 years to be convinced about her alcoholism and the AA program of recovery. Heather says she complicated herself right out of the rooms at times, and that a super-strict sponsor helped her find her way. Heather, Olis and Sam discuss A Newcomer Asks question about taking credit for one’s sobriety. There’s also an announcement about the upcoming International Online Intergroup Convention in October.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-09-16T01:09:23-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: International Convention Preview [Season 7, Episode 11]

The 2025 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous is set for July 3—6, 2025 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Patrick, the GSO Staff member of the International Convention Desk, shares with Don and Olis all about registration, housing and the spiritual feeling of being with near 50,000 AA members from around the world. Registration for the Convention opens on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at Noon Eastern time (go to for info). Patrick also tells listeners how to keep up with the latest information about the convention, and he shares about his journey in AA. There’s also “A Newcomer Asks” question.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-09-09T00:40:00-04:00Grapevine Podcast|

Grapevine Podcast: High Fives [Season 7, Episode 10]

Andrew, whose article appears in the September issue of Grapevine, talks to Don and Sam about getting sober at the age of 20 and how he enjoys working with other young members of AA. Andrew talks about getting help from AA, and also needing professional help for issues other than alcoholism. The three have a robust talk about sponsorship, working the Steps, helping others, being honest and AA’s cooperation with the medical profession.

While we provide the podcast at no charge, we do have expenses. Grapevine is the only AA entity that does not accept contributions, so to support the AA Grapevine Podcast, please subscribe to Grapevine Magazine in print, online, or on the Grapevine app. You can also provide a subscription to someone in need through our“Carry the Message”program or purchase books or other items

You can email us To record an Ask-It-Basket question or a recovery-related joke, call 212-870-3418 or email a voice recording

2024-09-02T00:59:10-04:00Grapevine Podcast|
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